"And Smith Must Score!"
The FA Cup podcast that celebrates the highs and lows of the greatest club competition on planet earth between 1980 & 2000. Hosted by Stig Ammonds, Michael Channon & Marvyn Dickinson, three forty something tragic Cup connoisseurs, "And Smith Must Score!" allows the lads to ponder over what to them at least was the last period of true Cup fever. They focus on the joy, the elation and yes, the heartaches that the Cup led to - that moment when for many, it seemed that the world had ended as they slumped to and then sobbed upon the famously strength sapping Wembley turf. Enduring image isn't it? Marvellous.
"And Smith Must Score!"
David Cross - 1980 - West Ham v Arsenal & The Birth of the Smithy Book Club!
Stig Ammonds, Michael Channon & Marvyn Dickinson
Season 2
Episode 3
What lies beneath?
A fascinating chat with a lad who put himself about but was racked with self doubt. David Cross is a winner in more ways than one - a Cup winner, a proud father, a reader of literature and willing to expose his frailties that fly in the face of his rampant persona as a footballer.
Time with chaps like this is fascinating for the little lads who we once were.
We hope you enjoy it.
Much Love,
Stig, Mick & Marv
Twitter: @smithmustscore
Facebook: @andsmithmustscore
Email: andsmithmust@gmail.com